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Sequential image tagging



Sequential images

Hi, is there a way to upload images that are a sequence of one event? I shot some BASE jumpers, and I’d like to upload all of a single jump, but tag them somehow as being all one parachute jump. Not a bunch of singles. As singles they don’t tell much of a story.

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7 answers to this question

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Invent a unique keyword (try a search for it to make sure it hasn't been used already).  Enter this as a keyword (tag) in all the relevant images.  Add a note in the 'Optional - Additional Info' field explaining that this is one of a sequence and invite the viewer to click on the relevant keyword.  This will display just those images.


I did this with a sequence of 15 images showing a narrowboat going through a canal lock, using the keyword locksequence

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What Vincent said. You could also add: picture 1 of 4 etc. I would also add the file keys into the additional info rather than a made up keyword. But do bear in mind that the images should not be too similar.

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11 minutes ago, vpics said:

You could also add: picture 1 of 4 etc.

Precisely what I did with an unsold series. Apart from that the captions should be identical so they can be searched on.

Additionally you could put all the image references in the tags of all the images.

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