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Vincent Lowe

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  1. Vincent Lowe's post in deleted pictures from my Image Manager.. still on sale was marked as the answer   
    You have to wait 90 days before they are deleted - section 2.4 of the contract....
    "In addition to your rights to terminate the Contract, you may delete any item of Content after ninety (90) days’ notice to Alamy. If you delete an item of Content due to any potential or actual legal claim you must notify Alamy immediately"
  2. Vincent Lowe's post in Hardware Questions: Pen Display Tablet or Drawing Tablet? New iMac or MacBook Pro and monitor? Large Pen Display that doubles as a monitor? was marked as the answer   
    Also great for converting to positives.  You can convert dozens at once using Adobe Camera Raw - I've done up to a hundred in one go.  Let me know if you want more info.
    Over the last few evenings I've copied over 650 monochrome negs using a DSLR with a bellows unit, slice copying attachment and a Rodenstock enlarger lens.  They are supposed to be better for copying as they are 'flat field' and I already had it from the dark (room) ages.  All manual operation of course but that's not a problem.
    I've had a Huion tablet for several years and never had a problem with it, so I have no experience of their support.
  3. Vincent Lowe's post in Any idea what this is? was marked as the answer   
    It's one of the Time and Tide Bells.....
    There are several of them around the country - https://timeandtidebell.org/mapofbells/
  4. Vincent Lowe's post in please help with plant ID was marked as the answer   
    Looks like - Caesalpinia gilliesii, Bird-of-Paradise Shrub.
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