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Looking to buy or hire a data projector - any recommendations?

Sheila Child


I am looking for advice on a sensibly priced data projector to buy.  I have had a quick look online and I have no idea what all the specification features mean at all.  When I was in academia, these things just appeared, we plugged our laptops or USB drives into them and lo and behold they all worked.  I never needed to know how or why.  I have been asked to do a presentation of my images, not until October next year so there is no immediate rush but I will need a projector.  This may, or may not, of course, lead to other requests but at the moment, I don't anticipate there being a stampede !! .
I would only be using Power Point to prepare the presentation and that would be fed through my Sony Vaio laptop.  I don't need anything to run wirelessly, just be able to project the Power
Point presentation onto a normal sized projector screen.  There seems to be a plethora of options ranging in price from under £100 to several thousands.
An alternative might be to hire one but again, I have no idea where to start or if indeed this is possible in the UK.  Any advice or suggestions gratefully received.
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I used to work in Audio visual hire, but it was 15 years ago, though I expect many aspects are the same. If its a one-off gig I'd just hire one. If it's something you will be doing regularly look at purchasing something. 


For hire I'd google "audio visual hire" in the area you will be doing the show. The size of prejection screen (what do you mean by a normal sized screen - many options) and the darkness - or lightness - of the venue need to be taken into account. If it's in a darkened auditorium you won't need as powerful a projector (expressed in Lumens) as if you're trying to project in a room where daylight is coming in through uncurtained windows.


There are usually several hire companies in reasonably sized towns and cities, often they will deliver - for a fee.


Also bear in mind the size and wight if you end up buying one and need to carry it around. Some of the Ebay offers on minature LED projectors look tempting but they aren't up to much in a non-darkened room.  



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The type of projector may also depend on the audience that attends your presentation. 

If small, say less that a dozend, most of the normal projectors can cope with it. 

However if more like a cinema full or more than 20 or 30 persons, you may also want a larger display, hence a larger projector. 

Resolution may also be relevant, do you need HDTV resolution or rather 4K? 


As Scenebyrail, I would also recommend to hire.

The hire company can also help you selecting the suitable equipment for your presentation. 


NB: If you present in a Hotel, some of their conference rooms I mean, they can also help out with hire equipment, albeit probably on the more expensive side. 

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Thanks for the advice.  I think I will look into hiring for this one session and take it from there.  The presentation will be to a small group, in a church so nothing too fancy will be required.  The October date was chosen over April so as to try and get as dark a room as possible so I should be OK on that front. 


Thanks again.

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Always ask if the venue has a projector!


A lot of churches these days have some pretty advanced AV equipment - often projecting the hymn lyrics onto a screen, rather than handing out books!


If you can - try and test out the projector in advance, and make sure its suitable for your needs.


I've also borrowed projectors from work, if I need one for an evening presentation!



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I wish I could help but I don't know anything about these.  But when I'm looking to make a big purchase I usually see if my local library has one I can borrow or somewhere in town has one to rent.  Then I borrow/rent it and play with it to see what features I want or hate in that item.  It gives me a better idea of what I need for when I make the purchases.  


Sorry I can't be more help.  

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