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keywording duplication - advice needed

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hi all,


im currently keywording some images, and am quite new to the whole stock game, as well as alamy.


when i keyword in essential keywords, does it harm the results in a search if i also put them words in the comprehensive or other sections?


eg i'm keywording some car photo's and was going to add the make and model in the essential and also in the comp, as well as obviously expanding in the comp keywords.





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I think it will indeed harm your search result. If a client put "bird" and you have this word two times then the photographer that has 1 word will be higher in the results.





Where did you get this from - did Alamy inform you or have you done some experimenting?



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I think it will indeed harm your search result. If a client put "bird" and you have this word two times then the photographer that has 1 word will be higher in the results.




You really shouldn't make statements like this unless you know it to be correct which this is definitely not.



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No, it doesn't make any difference in search, but it does make pruning more difficult.

Comps are pretty superfluous, I find. I've never had a sale from one and the results are often spammy anyway.



so how would you suggest i keyword? using words more than once is  ok then!?

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Hi Sky,


It is my understanding, from going way back, that it does not matter if the same keywords appear in essential, main and comprehensive - and the caption for that matter ;-)  It doesn't help but not hinder either. 


Because of the order and way I keyword, all my essential words also appear in Main - (it's just quicker the way I do it). If you are consistently using Comprehensive then maybe you have too many keywords.


Remember most important is essential, then Main, then Comp. The caption, in importance, falls somewhere in the middle. Forget description as it's not searchable and customers know their subject or know a man who does - google. 




Disclaimer - you can never trust Alamy not to fiddle with things and not to let us know. (That has too many negatives and doesn't actually make grammatical sense - which is how I meant it - if you know what I mean ;-)

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I found a while ago that word order could affect search returns, and that a caption with a logical word order can improve a search if the esskeys or main have the same words but in a wrong order. Also, duplication seems to improve results not make them worse, especially if multiple search words and word order or phrasing are taken into account.

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I think it will indeed harm your search result. If a client put "bird" and you have this word two times then the photographer that has 1 word will be higher in the results.




You really shouldn't make statements like this unless you know it to be correct which this is definitely not.




Hello Pearl,


I guess i was indeed to fast with this. I am just used about this way of searching from other agencies. I tought it is a standard thing :(. Sorry for my false information, dont ever follow my thinkings.



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