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A never ending story

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I had one of those from a prominent magazine. I counted at least four of sale/refund cycles. To the end, I still don't know they eventually paid me or not. 

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I wonder if I've jumped on this bandwagon. Had a sale on Friday for $50, refunded today and sold again for $40. Nothing changed about the details of the sale so I wonder why it went down $10. I will be watching... 

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8 hours ago, Lori Rider said:

I wonder if I've jumped on this bandwagon. Had a sale on Friday for $50, refunded today and sold again for $40. Nothing changed about the details of the sale so I wonder why it went down $10. I will be watching... 

Possibly what has happened is that the buyer bought your image and so many others that they were due a 'retrospective discount'.

You could contact Support with a query.

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As there is a time difference between when an image gets invoiced and when it gets paid, I wonder if a large fluctuation in exchange rates might be part of the issue such that Alamy have to reset the actual dollar value (but the value the customer agrees to pay in some other currency might be unchanged)?

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