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What to Shoot updates?

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10 hours ago, John Mitchell said:

Has anyone noticed if the "What to Shoot" image requests list is being updated regularly?


I haven't noticed any changes in the categories that I tend to peruse, which of course doesn't necessarily mean that there haven't been any updates.

Same here, requests that would be relevant to me seems pretty static with nothing new recently.

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Hi everyone


We've added about 1450 new picture needs since the tool went live. However, it's not currently that easy to spot them so we are working on a fix where all newly added picture needs will display at the top. 


All the best


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6 hours ago, Alamy said:

Hi everyone


We've added about 1450 new picture needs since the tool went live. However, it's not currently that easy to spot them so we are working on a fix where all newly added picture needs will display at the top. 


All the best


Great, thanks, that will help!

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6 hours ago, Alamy said:

Hi everyone


We've added about 1450 new picture needs since the tool went live. However, it's not currently that easy to spot them so we are working on a fix where all newly added picture needs will display at the top. 


All the best


Good. Will filled image needs be displayed at the top of customers search results, too? ;) :lol:

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