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Hi all, I am an amateur photographer based near Chelmsford in Essex in the UK. I am new to contributing to stock image sites so I am looking to connect and learn.


I love taking pictures of everything and have a second hand 1DX with a macro and telephoto lens.


Looking forward to being part of this site. Cheers everyone, Andy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Andy and well done on getting your first images through QC. Nice to see a variety of pictures.


I was surprised to see you'd submitted the photo of leaves against a blue sky for your initial submission as that is the kind of image inevitably fraught with problems with chromatic aberration (CA).  Although your image has got through QC you might want to note that there is CA in the picture and on another occasion it might well fail. Keep a close eye out for CA when checking your images. If you are using Lightroom, CA is easily dealt with.


The meerkat image  is nice. However, be aware that pictures taken in zoos are often subject to terms and conditions of entry which allows of personal use of images only and such images can't be submitted to stock sites without prior permission from the place where you took them.  Alamy won't fail the image on such grounds (though other stock sites might). Alamy places the onus for complying with such terms and conditions firmly on the photogapher. You will find much discussion in the forums about what can and can't be done in different locations and how far some people will push the boundaries on what is fair game for the photographer. 


The forums here are a treasure trove of information and the long-standing contributors amongst the most helpful around for any new contributor ready to learn. Time spent reading and ingesting here will be well rewarded.


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Zoos actually vary on what they allow. I have sold images taken in a zoo and one was licensed for publicizing an event at the zoo itself. San Diego Zoo used to let you do anything and now they are very, very strict with signs everywhere. It's worth checking with the zoo. Zoo animals are property and the zoo can recognize its animals. When I called Sea World to inquire I happened to reach one of their photographers and he told me I could probably use the images for a local exhibit but they would be able to recognize all the creatures they own and are very strict. I would definitely put the name of the zoo in the caption and keywords. Sometimes people are looking for images from a specific zoo.



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