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Help ID this dragonfly

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Could any of our natural history experts help with id of this dragon fly / hawker, best I can come up with is a migrant hawker, it was taken near Oxford UK in woodland  last week, I would be grateful for any suggestions PD995F.jpg

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I can't help you out with the ID but beautiful detail in that shot.


It looks so unusual to me, but then I'm from the US and I've only been to London & Edinburgh  - a trip to the countryside - particularly Oxford (I watch a lot of British crime dramas such as Lewis and Endeavour) is on my bucket list. 


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48 minutes ago, Nick Hatton said:

Could any of our natural history experts help with id of this dragon fly / hawker, best I can come up with is a migrant hawker, it was taken near Oxford UK in woodland  last week, I would be grateful for any suggestions PD995F.jpg




Aeshna mixta


Migrant Hawker - female








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Great shot - how lucky to have it land for you.  Everyone I have seen in the last couple of weeks has steadfastly refused to land and I am just not good enough to catch them in mid flight - although if anyone has a use for some blurry sky and vegetation shots without a flying dragonfly I can do those.

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Agree on migrant hawker and great shot.


Having seen many dragonflies over the last few weeks I took my new macro lens out for three days on the trot this week and saw none that would sit still and play nice.


Then on the third evening with the macro safely tucked up in bed, we were sitting in our local pub beer garden and an Emperor crash landed on the seat next to us and stayed there for fifteen minutes. 


I know know the sound of dragonfly laughter.

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