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Everything posted by wiskerke

  1. Congratulations! You found your market! Or the market has found you.. 😁 wim
  2. Both were (are?) active on S*. 1 2 Not sure which one was by who though. wim
  3. Removing bender did not fix it. Not on it's own anyway. Maybe wait another 24 hours to be sure. Now I'm looking into keywords for Miffy (the rabbit doll). I've removed the word bunny. Then there are 2 images of The White House; and many of my Gay Pride Amsterdam Canal Parade images. Some image with a string of pearls. My guess is it's the word string. wim
  4. I have small black ones for everyday travel, but a big deep one for my laptop. And a baseball hat, because the reflection of the sun on my face is sometimes worse than sun glare on the screen. On a set you'll see lots of black EZ-ups. I only have white ones, but a piece of black cloth usually works. Every photographer has heaps of those. Or maybe photoshop has done away with that. In the US (like at Walmart) there are EZ-up clones available for under $100. I recently bought a dark grey one here for half that, but it lets through sunshine and rain. Plus it's slower to set up. So not a good buy and not recommended. It is a lot lighter than the originals though. wim
  5. Just a minor impact then. Sorry couldn't resist. The caption is traveling with(in) the files, just as the keywords are in the IPTC fields. In most cases anyway. Whereas the description is only present on the zoom page on Alamy. The more words that are socially undesirable, the more slang words and street talk we're getting. That's a simple law, I would say of nature. See words like bent and woody from this thread alone. wim
  6. Morris Minor Woody logged in: 114 logged out: 0 Morris Minor logged in: 5,670 logged out: 0 That filter needs a shrink. wim
  7. Amsterdam Pride logged in: 6697 logged out: 1992 missing: 4705 = 70.26% gay pride logged in: 248180 logged out: 70547 missing: 177633 = 71.57% Who is this to please? And why let so many through? The percentage is remarkably consistent. wim
  8. And maybe add a black umbrella, which you may already have. wim
  9. US editorial good $$. Phnom Penh 30 years ago. Scanned Velvia. wim
  10. Ah right. Thank you! I'll test it. wim edit: done; will report back tomorrow.
  11. AFAIK having the word in description is no problem. Which is weird. Check AoA if clients ever search for the offending term. In my test image it was the word shitting in the keywords. It's still in the description. wim edit: found this online. There will be more I'm sure.
  12. Did some testing yesterday and after the database update I can confirm it's the keywords. So identifying the culprit and removing that keyword is enough. No results yet on the image content. wim
  13. That's because AE3NWP is a keyword in AE56WJ. Which image is not censored out. Why is a tango orchestra verboten? No idea. The female violinist? The suggestive lights? The dark trees have scary as a keyword. The plush willy is obvious, but it could be it's not those words, but rather proud gay man. It's not pride, because some pride images are being shown. What baffles me most is the toy cab. One passes and one fails. The censored one has the keyword sad-faced. That could be it. The keywords are very similar for both images, but these are the extra keywords in the one that does not show up: accident accidental bender blemish blemished blemishes bumper crash damage damaged dent looking looks mark paint sad-faced scratch scratched scruffy used well worn Beats me. I notice my images came without a link. Let me see if I can fix that. (So if anyone wants to look for offending keywords he/she can have a go at it.) wim
  14. I have checked one of my smaller pseudo's as that's easier. Logged in: 546 images Logged out: 534. 12 images in 6 pages are not that difficult to identify. Here they are. Some are obvious candidates. But others? link link link link link link link link link link link link Like why this one: link but not this one: link wim edit: my guess is that you have to be logged in to Alamy's main site to see those 12 images above. If you only see the last one, you're not logged in. I think.
  15. Yep that's the one. The part it reminds me of is that it looks round, but it is constructed from straight beams. Keith's bridge has the same underneath. wim
  16. Nice bridge and good images. Parts of the construction remind me of Mathematical Bridge. wim
  17. FF logged in: 59 images; PGHDPM or 2J2PKK2 both showing. FF logged out: 13 images; PGHDPM or 2J2PKK2 not showing. Chrome not logged in: 13 images; PGHDPM or 2J2PKK2 not showing. Edge not logged in: 13 images; PGHDPM or 2J2PKK2 not showing. all on Windows Anybody remembers Dieselgate? wim
  18. True, you would have to weed those out by hand anyway. I was only thinking about how to add a code word to an image with 50+ keywords. Adding and restoring would then have to be done by spreadsheet. wim
  19. You could alter the caption as an alternative. That's always possible. wim
  20. Yes I have long been tempted to get one. Smaller though, so I could blend in and go places that are verboten for normal campervans. However lots of people think the same and it's a bit like an arms race and counter measures are on the advance. (Small converted delivery vans like the VW and Mercedes V class are usually 1.99m high including the pop-up roof.) Due to corona/covid prices have soared and campsites both legal and illegal have been overcrowded everywhere. This is a good one. So you can imagine what the bad ones look like. Previously those height limiting bars were there to keep gypsies out, now to keep wandering boomers out. wim
  21. Yes it is. It's in a village called Zahara (wiki city hall). Zahara de la Sierra, not Z Los Atunas. It's probably forbidden to stay there overnight. Most designated campervan sites have less space and the view is usually not much either. wim
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