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    Grey Nomad (with a tinge of blonde) on the road in Australia


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  • Joined Alamy
    17 Oct 2002

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Community Answers

  1. Apparently so. If I click on my profile pic, it shows I have 10 followers.
  2. Ah OK. AIM always erroneously says 'On Sale' even if they're not until next database update. In my experience, the only time when I got a 'not on sale' status, it was because the caption was missing. But it could be something else I haven't experienced. Let's wait and see.
  3. The OP said "not on sale and discoverability". I have never seen such a worded status. 'Not on sale' yes, it denotes it's missing either caption or tags, regardless of database update. Since OP said he entered tags, my suspicion is that caption is missing. Could you be confused about the caption field? Only trying to help.
  4. 2XDD444 - Townsville Jetty, Queensland, Australia 2WDJ4Y7 2PH959A 2F712CF 2CCJMHA KHPWYG HACM0Y FR14CD E16TDK B79JP9 B79JRJ 2TBF3Y2 HTJHN4 2X7E1J1 2E00JT8 AETRFR - I cannot help but submit that one as it was a big laugh. Taken in Brazil, I overheard the older boy telling his presumably younger brother 'Eles nao falam portugues' (they don't speak Portuguese) M62BK6 H6JPJK
  5. Don't know but I have one follower with no images and no inter-action with the Forum, no nothing. From Nigeria. I asked Alamy but they said he has an account with us so nothing obviously untoward. Fair enough but.... yeah right.
  6. A first license of my French Polynesia trip. Single $ - will need a few sales to pay for the trip...
  7. 6 of mine. Very happy! Thank you Chantelle.
  8. Sorry, I was talking about the 'clear winner'. My bad for not being clear.
  9. Perhaps because it reminds us of more simple pleasures? My vote also. Other entries also good.
  10. Australia, New-Zealand and Oceania magazine - $$ and two US Affiliates $
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