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    22 Jan 2007

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  1. Just received confirmation through. Thanks everyone, all the very best wishes.
  2. I sent an email to Alamy yesterday to close my account, I sent it to contributor relations. Other than the standard email that comes back straight away I have not heard any more. For those that have requested account closure, how long did it take for Alamy to acknowledge it? Many thanks Jenny
  3. Were these sold as part of the NU (novel use) scheme? It should tell you in the sales report. Touch wood I have never had sales as low as that, but I am not in the NU scheme I opted out. For you information you can remove your images from NU, BUT only in April of each year.
  4. I went to the supermarket today and as we are in lockdown (except for essentials) and have further restrictions coming into force this evening, I expected it to be busy. I really did not want to go over the weekend when it will be busier. Was very pleasantly surprised that it was virtually empty. Lots of the bits I wanted were on offer and when I went through the till I was given a swish cool bag with products inside as I had spent more than 75 euros. (I spent 77). When I got home and emptied the bag it was all sensible items you would normally buy, like kitchen roll, fabric softener, pasta etc. (the leaflet gave the prices of the items in the store and it was 15 euros worth plus the bag) When checking my receipt I saw that I had also saved 57.75 on my shopping as not only had I purchased many items on offer, but the store is also running a refund on VAT for some purchases for this month so 16.79 of the 57.75 was vat refund. Yay. 150 euros worth of goods for 77, happy bunny.
  5. Alamy answered you three hours ago on the other posting you had put
  6. my most licenced image has sold 12 times but always for small amounts due to its use.
  7. I know the subject of duplicated images came up recently with regard to PA, but I would like to know about all the other agencies that are duplicating images. I often come across images that have been duplicated, more often than not by big agencies, not good if a search is done and maybe only two pages of images come up but 25% of them are duplicated. Also just a week or so ago I came across a contributor that had posted over 1500 images on two different pseudonyms. Does Alamy want these pointed out to them like the PA ones were? Or are they to be ignored?
  8. I thought they still had to go via S*******O route. I thought they had a news upload function via that. Has that altered in the last couple of years?
  9. You probably need to start a separate thread for this question, on the quality control section of the forum. I think you will get more of a response. Personally I have never heard of that reason for fail. Jenny
  10. I agree with Gen your food shots are lovely BUT you seem to have made the common mistake of having more than one image selected when you are adding your keywords and captions. Some of your other food shots have all the information that you put for the chocolate cupcakes. When you select an image to add keywords (tags) make sure you click on it again to deselect once you are finished. I would get those changed as soon as possible or they will not be found in searchs or will come up as irrelevant.
  11. I am probably wrong but thought it was an african daisy, osteospermum
  12. Douglas I know you did not ask, but just thought I would point out, when keywording (tagging) your images, make sure you are deselecting the previous one. If you do not deselect then those tags will go onto the next image(s), as seems to have happened with yours. You have a lot that have the tags etc for the blue angel on the bench and it has happened with other images like the corn on roadside. Make the corrections now while you only have a small portfolio or your images will never be found by buyers.
  13. almost definitely a beef cow due to the straight back. Could also be crossed, but try Normande as a start, but that is a dairy cow 🤔 but markings look right
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