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geoff s

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    27 Nov 2011

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  1. The Sony is clearly well liked but I wonder why the Panasonic LX100 mk2 doesn't get talked about as often ? Seems to be equally well specified and has a larger sensor. Also I believe it has a more traditional dial- based rather than menu- based design which is another plus point in my opinion.
  2. I think the hard part is making it past the young people with iphones who presumably filter the entries before your image gets in front of the actual judges. Though that maybe unduly cynical..... Constable etc wouldn't stand a cat in hell's chance in the Turner Prize. And my pics are probably more Constable than Emin unfortunately
  3. Said Yak seemed fairly happy till I pointed camera at him, then just as I was about to press the shutter I saw the head drop and a sprint start begin. I have a blurry picture with one hairy hind leg just leaving the edge of the frame. Touchy beast the Yak.
  4. On the subject of toughness of Fujis, I was chased by a large, shaggy, semi-wild male Yak a couple of years ago in Nepal. The X-t2 with 16-55 2.8 was attached by cord to my bag and was dropped into the rocks in the race for high ground and dragged across the ground. Polarizer smashed, a dinge in the filter thread and a chip out of the corner of the screen but no other harm done, all working fine still.
  5. A good month for me, despite below average volume (9 sales) I managed just over $400 gross - double what I've achieved in any of the previous 12 months. Two $$$. Hopefully it's not an aberration...he says optimistically 😀
  6. Yes, having spoken to several retailers today that echoes what they said ( double cost price). Cheers
  7. Thanks Robert - could you clarify what you mean by x5 for traditional margin please. Maybe a very simple example with numbers - sorry but I am fairly dim on the maths front
  8. Hopefully this topic isn't infringing the forum rules........ Does anyone sell 'art prints' ie unframed photos / digital art etc directly to the retail trade ? If so what margins do retailers expect ? thanks Geoff
  9. Norway has some characters in it's alphabet such as Ø and æ and as you can see I've discovered how to type them on the PC. Should I be using these in my keywords ? Presumably any potential buyer from Norway would type using these characters so would the absence of them hamper the search ? Thanks Geoff
  10. "Guardian Online https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2022/feb/23/how-cross-country-skiing-in-norway-became-a-chilling-page-turner shoults shoults Gareth McCormack" Thanks for reporting that Nigel, I'm not dead after all, yay
  11. I've had an Olympus Tough and it is probably the best of the compacts as I think it's the only one with RAW. Changed to the Nikon AW 1 to step up the quality. I'm now thinking of a cheap, older, s/h large sensor compact ( RX100 or a Canon G something) combined with drybags as it's mainly for sea-kayak photos rather than actual submersion - ie will produce decent pictures and hopefully will survive a while but I won't be devastated if I kill it.
  12. Every so often - ie when I break the last one - I ask the same question - are there any good waterproof cameras available ? Last time the best I could come up with was a used Nikon AW 1 which has been ok for a couple of years but has now packed in. There doesn't seem to be any of these on the s/h market at the moment and I can only see the usual selection of compacts with fairly small sensors. I'm always surprised that nobody thinks there would be a market for a decent quality tough camera - especially since the boom in everything connected to adventure sports. Has anyone got any suggestions ?
  13. Yes, I stood on the brakes and crunched into reverse gear as I sped past my name. Thanks for spotting
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