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Questions about first news sale to Telegraph

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I just found one of my recent news photos in the Telegraph. It hasn't been reported yet (and I know it can take months), but I have a couple of questions, if anyone can enlighten me. I noticed that the same photo was used in two separate articles, 2 days apart, so am wondering if that counts as two sales? And also, any idea how much the Telegraph pays? Thanks for your help!

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And follow up question: I see that when I do a google reverse image search of the photo there are literally 12 pages of sites from around the world that are using the same photo - could these all just be reposts of the Telegraph article? Is that normal? 

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Just now, spacecadet said:

Print or website? Two sales, up to 3 months to report. I'll PM you with the web only fee.

That said I recently found one of mine in the Torygraph unreported from 2015. They paid when told, the usual amount.

Thanks SpaceCadet - I only know that it's online - I'm in the US and don't get the print version.

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1 minute ago, Gina Kelly said:

And follow up question: I see that when I do a google reverse image search of the photo there are literally 12 pages of sites from around the world that are using the same photo - could these all just be reposts of the Telegraph article? Is that normal? 

They're infringements, from sites in Russia and the Far East usually, which scrape the news sites all the time. You'll get used to it.

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2 hours ago, GS-Images said:


I do stock because I want to for my own reasons. I use Alamy because I want to for my own reasons.


I am perfectly at liberty to express my opinions and thoughts in a discussion forum. I know full well why you pick on me so often and I choose not to get into that for the sake of peace. I just don't know why you have to continually try to argue, and why you have formed negative opinions of me so quickly. Why do you think that I need to justify myself to you? Why do you think I don't want to do stock photography? I simply made a claim that OTHERS have made right above me, and that others OFTEN make! So why pick on MY post and take it as meaning something completely different from the words I have written?


How about being friendly and kind instead? Give it a try.  :)




-1 from me Geoff, so you wont think georgphotos is picking on you.


You have said that you are contemplating leaving the forum because of the stress.


Instead of leaving permanently, why not take a week away from reading and posting to the forum, and also all things Alamy? Everyone needs a break now and then.

Go somewhere that you feel safe and relieve the stress. Then come back as a new man.



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11 hours ago, GS-Images said:


That's not bad. It does depend on the size it's printed at with Live News, and that's more than the highest I'm aware of (after a recent conversation with staff). So I wouldn't expect that sort of amount now Gina, but it would be nice if I was told wrong of course! I'm awaiting 3 live news print sales to come through so am also wondering what they will get me, and maybe it'll be more than I've been told. Actually taking into account he conversion with the state of the pound, that price might not be far off.


Regarding the question of repeat uses - The news department told me it's one fee for multiple use, but CR told me it's single use per article. The actual licenses I have had recently (web use only) have been single use, but one newspaper has paid just the once after using an image more than once.


As has been said, The Telegraph tend to pay when asked quite often, as do several other UK newspapers. With most of them I've had to chase sales that would never be reported unless I told CR about them. I wonder how much money people with 10 times the number of images I have lose from non-reporting, as they wouldn't have the time to look for them every day. Alamy only charge the standard fee and no penalty, so the newspapers know they can get away with it, so they continue not to care.



(The rude, antagonistic one).

As you correctly point out, newspapers always have paid by the size used, and also by positioning - front page being the biggest payer. As regards the odd non payment, I suspect it's more to do with shortage of staff these days - someone on the picture desk has to log every picture usage, print,online, whether first time or repeat usage - then report this back out to Alamy.

Nowadays, I reverse search all my LiveNews pictures about 6 weeks after submitting them, and occasionally one will have slipped through the net. For info, I've never had an issue with the Telegraph - always reported quickly and paid on time. The Sun only once missed reporting, whilst the Daily Mail, well, lets not go there eh.........:huh:

Have a good weekend Geoff!


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