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I am thinking about joining 'Novel Use' on Alamy and wondered what types of sales members have experienced with this aspect of Alamy and whether members consider it a worthwhile additional option.


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My novel use sales from the past year amount to $78.86. Lowest NU fee I have had is $1, highest $6.66, which is higher than some regular sales. Most popular types of NU sales for me are food images.

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It works for me although the prices are generally too low. Many contributors, however, have opted out and I understand that it is scheduled to be phased out.


Major downside is that it doesn't count towards your rating. I guess this means that Alamy don't rate NU sales either.


A further issue is that your images are out there, potentially for reuse, at a knock down price.


At the end of the day I see NU as incremental sales - no big deal - but something is better than nothing.



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