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a pseudonym question

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I only have one pseudo. If I make a slight alteration to that pseudonym will it affect anything ? 

And would it mean deleting the old one and replacing it ?  I can't see an option to make a minor alteration.

Would my rank - if there still is such a thing - be affected ?





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A very good question.

I think it will have to be a new pseudonym. Could be starting from a medium ranking.


I think I would create a new pseudonym and make some experiments to see how the images are placed compared to your old one before I did major changes. But there are probably people here with more pseudo experience  than I have.  ;)  :)

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I don't think we can ever delete a pseudo once created. So be sure it is named exactly as you want it....forever.

In Image Manager, there's a pseudonym button top right where you can add and delete them - but move the images out first or they will all be deleted too.

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I don't think we can ever delete a pseudo once created. So be sure it is named exactly as you want it....forever.


In Image Manager, there's a pseudonym button top right where you can add and delete them - but move the images out first or they will all be deleted too.

That's good to know. Is that a new feature? I could have sworn they couldn't be deleted back in the dark ages. (10 years ago)

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