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ARGGH, help LR and PS

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While developing some family photos, I was using the Nik Suite. I developed a couple, then somehow on the next I can't get the photo. When I leave LR to PS for final work, the picture box is totally white.  All of PS settings look normal. (but what do I know...nothing)


The only thing I think I did that I have never done is in LR, the filters on the left side...I tried a couple of them, then couldn't really see how to get out of them.  That's what I abhor about LR, it's not intuitive like PS.   Whatever, when I imported into PS. I got the whited out box.  No image.  In my layers panel, I can see the photo.  Just not on the screen.


I closed out LR and then tried to develop in PS entirely.  In ACR, I saw the image. Soon as I opened it into PS, I got the whited out box again.  So right now, neither program gives me an image.  Since nothing works in PS, I suspect it is there where the problem has to be or it would work after closing LR.


It's imperative I fix it, or I won't be able to develop anything.  It has to be something simple I've done, but being the technical screwup that I am, I can't figure it out.


Help appreciated. p l e a s e!     :wacko:



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I don't have the answer, Betty, but I can tell you how to get out of things you have done in Lightroom. You can hit the RESET button at the bottom of the panel to go back to the original raw settings or you can go up to Edit at the top of the screen and choose Undo. You can undo many times until you get back to where you want to be.



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I don't have the answer, Betty, but I can tell you how to get out of things you have done in Lightroom. You can hit the RESET button at the bottom of the panel to go back to the original raw settings or you can go up to Edit at the top of the screen and choose Undo. You can undo many times until you get back to where you want to be.




Thank you, Paulette. I had used the Undo, but missed the RESET button. That's good to know.


Panic over. I closed LR, Closed PS, reopened them, and they work again.  Phew!  :rolleyes:   For the life of me, I'll never understand what happened.  But what else is new?   :D

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I don't have the answer, Betty, but I can tell you how to get out of things you have done in Lightroom. You can hit the RESET button at the bottom of the panel to go back to the original raw settings or you can go up to Edit at the top of the screen and choose Undo. You can undo many times until you get back to where you want to be.




Thank you, Paulette. I had used the Undo, but missed the RESET button. That's good to know.


Panic over. I closed LR, Closed PS, reopened them, and they work again.  Phew!  :rolleyes:   For the life of me, I'll never understand what happened.  But what else is new?   :D


The beauty of LR is that you aren't actually editing the image, so nothing is actually 'lost' which is great for trying presets and making your own without risk of making mistakes, and, as your answer states... reset is there to wipe the slate clean.

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Just a thought and probably of no help, but are you sure you aren't trying to apply the changes to a layer mask, or adjustment layer try flattening the layers first.

LR doesn't have layers. When I opened from LR into PS, it was white. No pic.


Same thing bypassing LR and developing in ACR. Everything was normal until I opened into PS. Then I had the white box, no picture, before I did anything to it. Beats me what happened since after I closed LR and PS down it all worked again.

Chalk it up to gremlins, I guess.

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Just a thought and probably of no help, but are you sure you aren't trying to apply the changes to a layer mask, or adjustment layer try flattening the layers first.

LR doesn't have layers. When I opened from LR into PS, it was white. No pic.


Same thing bypassing LR and developing in ACR. Everything was normal until I opened into PS. Then I had the white box, no picture, before I did anything to it. Beats me what happened since after I closed LR and PS down it all worked again.

Chalk it up to gremlins, I guess.




If anything goes wrong and it is difficult to find just pull the plug wait 30 seconds and power up again.


Usually fixes the problem. :)



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