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Is it the holiday season?

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Uploaded a batch overnight on 17th July - still annotated no of images N/A - Arrived awaiting processing. QC are usually so quick off the mark.


Also on the sales front - one on 1st, one on 3rd and one on the 5th. Since then nothing!!!!!


Have a wonderful holiday one and all - the weather is great for it.




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Yep, definitely holiday season. No sales in July yet and zooms a lot lower than usual.


As to the image uploads my weekend uploads cleared QC Wednesday noon - and I have a few waiting now since Wednesday - but all processed awaiting QC. You may be facing an upload or processing problem, perhaps a partial failure...


PS I was too quick - had a lousy 22.31 dollars sale this afternoon .... And my images from Wednesday was QCed.

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Just sold an image to China for a calendar, one page a day. Unfortunately sale price was $13. But always looking on the bright side, at least a buyer in China paid for an image. And being a one page a day calendar, a small image with a 1,000 print run, probably not much else I could expect.

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Normally, the sales reported this month were made one or two months ago, at least, if not earlier. So, I don't think you can ascribe your poor sales to summer holidays.

For me this July is marking the best month ever in terms of sales made since I am on Alamy and we are only at day 19th.

Curiously, for me (and more photographers) last May was a real bad one. Why? Don't know. Simply, maybe, there is no answer.

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Just sold an image to China for a calendar, one page a day. Unfortunately sale price was $13. But always looking on the bright side, at least a site in China paid for an image.



Sold 2 photos to China for that calendar. Same amount. Miserable import  :(

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Normally, the sales reported this month were made one or two months ago, at least, if not earlier. So, I don't think you can ascribe your poor sales to summer holidays.

For me this July is marking the best month ever in terms of sales made since I am on Alamy and we are only at day 19th.

Curiously, for me (and more photographers) last May was a real bad one. Why? Don't know. Simply, maybe, there is no answer.


July is also turning into a good month for me. Sales have been hit and miss since January.


$5.95!!!  another one of these finally made me hit the NO for the newspaper scheme.

$44.65 German magazine use

$52.06 IQ Sale

$450.00 Retail Book

$44.62 IQ Sale 





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Uploaded a batch overnight on 17th July - still annotated no of images N/A - Arrived awaiting processing. QC are usually so quick off the mark.


Also on the sales front - one on 1st, one on 3rd and one on the 5th. Since then nothing!!!!!


Have a wonderful holiday one and all - the weather is great for it.





I had sales on the 2nd, 4th and 5th! Thought it was going to be a record month - then nothing until 17th, and that was one of those $5.95 ones. Still a sales a sale.



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Uploaded a batch overnight on 17th July - still annotated no of images N/A - Arrived awaiting processing. QC are usually so quick off the mark.


Also on the sales front - one on 1st, one on 3rd and one on the 5th. Since then nothing!!!!!


Have a wonderful holiday one and all - the weather is great for it.





UPDATE - Things are looking up.


My batch of 304 is now awaiting QC and I have another sale - $182 in California editorial 1/8 page.


My cup runneth over. Maybe I should have a moan more often.



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