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Alamy iPad feature - Thanks


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I was extremely lucky enough today to be featured on the Alamy iPad App.




I am very grateful and even though its the most photographed tree in Scotland, I felt I could make it my own. 


:) Cheers Alamy. 



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The more I think about this picture the less i see it's uses. Hence why it's not sold I'm guessing. Still, it was nice to get a feature :)


I would have thought that that image would do well on FAA Paul?



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The more I think about this picture the less i see it's uses. Hence why it's not sold I'm guessing. Still, it was nice to get a feature :)


I would have thought that that image would do well on FAA Paul?




I do have a variant of it on FAA, not the same but very close, however, my FAA stuff doesn't really get much. I am a little lost with how to market it all to be honest. Email distribution lists are ok if you have solid contacts, however, I don't :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Could it be that if you want to produce and sell better work, you have to find better clients?




This is very true. No point in selling toilet paper to people with no arms. In hindsight, this image really has no place on Alamy. It's better placed on my wall, where I put it for personal use :) 

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