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Batch editing attributes erased all the keywords

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Hi guys. I have a problem here


While I was editing a batch of 130 images, I selected them all to edit the attributes, but after that all the keywords from the keywords tab got erased and replaced with "vector vectors". is there a way to pull them out of file info or do I have to re-upload? Did I do something wrong or is it a glitch? I didn't know editing multiple files attributes would do that to my images :(

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You can't batch edit keywords.  If you were trying to add a keyword to all the images, it can't do that.  It will replace all the keywords wit whatever you add.


When the new version of Manage Images comes out (hopefully soon) the adding of keywords is supposed to become available, but currently is not.



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You can batch edit keywords but you must be very careful about which section you are changing. The selection is made at the bottom of the screen where the images have been put and any changes will erase what was there before and put in the words you add. So the batch editing tends to only be useful when you first keyword your images. Changes to your keywording usually need to be made to individual images. I'm not clear about exactly what happened but you shouldn't need to upload over again. Just address each image separately until you understand exactly what happens in the batch keywording section.



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If you happen to be using the Lightroom Plug-In, I believe you can change the keywords, using Set Alamy Metadata,  to the keywords for each image you have on your computer.

I've never tried this myself so I'd recommend doing one or two to see  if it works.

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You certainly do not have to re-upload the images, because you can always re-edit the keywords in manage images.  You could always copy your keywords (maybe on to a text editor for ease), then paste them into the images using manage images.  A real pain if you have 130 totally different images, but if significant numbers have more or less the same keywords, a good starting point would be to past these in as a batch in the keywords section, field by field - just make sure you save and clear one batch before working on the next, otherwise you will have the same problem all over again.


Good luck.



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