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When Stockimo launched there was a big deal made about the images submitted having to have originated from an iPhone- how come there are now many images clearly NOT originating from an iPhone appearing on Stockimo? Did the rules change along the line to any image "submitted via" an iPhone rather than taken on one?

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I'm not aware of a rule change. What I do know is that you can submit any photo taken with any phone, but it has to be submitted through an apple device.

I had a Droid, a G2. Good 13 mp images. I emailed them to myself, added filters, some of them Nik filters I have on my Mac, then emailed them back to myself. I opened email on my iPad then and saved the images to my iPad, then submitted them through the Stockimo App. A convoluted, time consuming way to do it.

I now have an iPhone 6s and anything I shoot on the phone automatically is added to my iPad. Much easier to filter and upload through the App.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Betty, thank for your comment. Seems your managing the very thing I see happening regularly. I was hoping someone at Alamy would clarify the position.Otherwise I might just start processing Dslr images through my iPhone and submitting them to see how Alamy respond. Easily done as my camera has wi-if and an app that allows JPEG2000 to be saved on the phone.

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Betty, thank for your comment. Seems your managing the very thing I see happening regularly. I was hoping someone at Alamy would clarify the position.Otherwise I might just start processing Dslr images through my iPhone and submitting them to see how Alamy respond. Easily done as my camera has wi-if and an app that allows JPEG2000 to be saved on the phone.



Why would you want to do this?




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 I might just start processing Dslr images through my iPhone and submitting them to see how Alamy respond. Easily done as my camera has wi-if and an app that allows JPEG2000 to be saved on the phone.


If you check the Stockimo website it says "Sell your iPhone Photos with the Stockimo App."


I believe at some point Stockimo sent email out to contributors that DSLR images were not acceptable and should be deleted via the app.

If you want the official word on this then you should contact support@stockimo.com.  Alamy doesn't seem to answer Stockimo questions.



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Please don't try to submit DSLR images through an Apple device. While they may go through, and I'm not sure they would, eventually Alamy will remove them. That's a waste of your time and Alamy's.

You can submit photos from any PHONE through an Apple device, period. Attempting anything else is not playing by the rules which could harm your credibility.

Good luck with your phone submissions.


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The brief for stockimo is clear, for 'creative of the moment' imagery taken by mobile phone. DSLR etc images must go to alamy.

Some may slip through, however, a while back a warning email was sent to contributors claryfying this, also stating non phone images would be removed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


This forum is for Alamy discussion only and therefore we can no longer allow posts to be made regarding Stockimo. 


Stockimo is a separate brand with a very different model in all aspects from submitting, shooting, keywording and as you can see from some recent posts - selling.


It's important that the Stockimo and Alamy brands are not confused.


We are considering the options of setting a Stockimo forum up but in the meantime, if you need to communicate with the Stockimo team you can email support@stockimo.com


The Stockimo team are also very active across social media on Instagram and Twitter.


Thanks for your understanding



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