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After sending a request about an unauthorized usage of one of my Alamy pics, I received this answer from member services:


"We’ve just noticed that this usage is outside our territories in which we can chase."


The picture is appearing on the website of a "virtual shopping mall" based in India.


Is it worth chasing or will I only be losing my time doing it?

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More than likely wasting your time.  Very unlikely to see any financial recompense, whatever the result.  Having said that, I have sent out notices to Indian travel Websites before.  Most were ignored, but one apologised profusely and removed the photo immediately.

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One of my images has just appeared on a Finnish-language website, attributed to [My Name]/MVPHOTOS.  MVPHOTOS appears to be the Finnish arm of a Czech-based photo library called Profimedia. Has anyone else Does anyone know if these companies are legitimate associates of Alamy?  Thanks.

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