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QC for 6 days and counting...

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My batch of 8 photos has been 'Awaiting QC' for 6 days now and counting. If it failed, does it mean it will be stuck for another 22 days? It seems odd that you'd have to wait so long to have the  batch rejected. I would've thought you'd know sooner so you can fix the issue and move on...



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Hi K_M


When it comes to QC, Alamy's rule do state that if it fails then you can be subjected to the 28 day waiting period. 


The advice that is usually given in these circumstances is to open up those photos at 100% and check them for anything that could fail them such as softness or stray dust spots. 


Outside of the above, you occasionally get partial failures whereby an image has been corrupted during the upload process. In this case you would see the failed image and the others pass.


Hope that helps:)

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My batch of 8 photos has been 'Awaiting QC' for 6 days now and counting. If it failed, does it mean it will be stuck for another 22 days? It seems odd that you'd have to wait so long to have the  batch rejected. I would've thought you'd know sooner so you can fix the issue and move on...


What you say about fixing and moving on makes perfect sense to me. But unfortunately it doesn't to Alamy, and they make the rules. So you might have another three weeks to wait if one of your images has failed QC. Good luck.

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My batch of 8 photos has been 'Awaiting QC' for 6 days now and counting. If it failed, does it mean it will be stuck for another 22 days? It seems odd that you'd have to wait so long to have the  batch rejected. I would've thought you'd know sooner so you can fix the issue and move on...

It's probably just one and almost certainly SALD will be the reason unfortunately. Alamy make these rules and that's what happens time wise alas.

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Yes, it probably is "soft and lacking definition." That seems to be the most common reason given for failures. The good news is that QC is very speedy these days. My last few submissions have all cleared in around 12 hours. And that's after two months -- not consecutive, fortunately -- spent in the sin bin earlier this year.

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Yeah, I've been around the 48 hour mark for a long time except for bank holidays etc. but just lately 12 to 24 hours seems to be the norm.


We don't have "bank holidays" here in Vancouver. I guess that's how Canadian banks got so filthy rich. Some of them are now even open on Sundays.


But I digress...

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You are 8 hours ahead of us.


I don't know where you are situated in the space-time continuum, spacecadet, but that's quite possible. Lately, images uploaded in the evening have been clearing overnight for me -- i.e. in about 12 hours. I guess that the Pacific time zone that Vancouver is in could be working in my favour because my evening submissions will be sitting on the breakfast table in England when Alamy opens its doors. Personally, all I care about is that my photos continue to pass QC (touch wood). The time frame -- 12, 24, 48 hours, etc. -- is secondary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

QC waiting time is dependent on your QC history, the better your QC history, the shorter time you will have to wait.

Ok I have 5 sendings awaiting QC the oldest have waited 16 days, and I have never had an image failed so???

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