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Mis-creditted photo

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A photo of mine has been used by The Sun a couple of times recently to illustrate some online articles. It is royalty free and has sold once but that was back in 2013, so there is a chance they have already paid for it.


BUT, in one article it has been credited to Getty. Should I be concerned about this?

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Is the image exclusive to Alamy ? ..or have you placed it elsewhere too ?.... if you have placed it elsewhere then it could end up in getty as a distributor. Just a thought.


One of mine in the Metro online paper is credited to Google. Not reported yet. Been told to wait until the end of the year before Alamy will chase it up (about 6 months from initial use).

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Is the image exclusive to Alamy ? ..or have you placed it elsewhere too ?.... if you have placed it elsewhere then it could end up in getty as a distributor. Just a thought.


It is, as most of my images are, exclusive to Alamy.


I will email MS and see what they say.


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Wow, it's something to carefully look into, of course.

Did you google search it to see if it leads back to a Getty portfolio?

Is there reasonable chance it's a photo someone captured that's almost exactly like yours?

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It happens.  Given the number of images used daily and the fact that a lot of newspapers only give agency credit it's probably not too significant.  One of mine in the telegraph in August was credited to GAP Photos.  I still got credited with the sale and paid.

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