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Awaiting QC

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Hello Joycey,


I have a feeling that you have to wait two more weeks following by a rejection.


Normally they are very fast. For me it is now within 24 hours. I think you have a image with technical flaw. In this case you will need to wait 28 days before you can upload again.


To be sure I would contact member service. They can tell you more. Perhaps it could be an other reason.


Good luck.



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Mirco, it's 30 days now. Just out again and concerned because I really can't see  anything wrong with the one they say is SoLD.


So post the failed image at full size on Photobucket or wherever so we can see what's happening, just as you frequently advise novice users. I am intrigued as to why somebody very experienced like yourself is continually failing QC. Perhaps a different eye could actually help you.

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