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Sales v Current Cleared Balance

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Been on here a couple of years and not really doing that well... however sold 2 photos and my sales say $86...


but above the sales figure, my current cleared balance says $12 so is this the amount i make from these 2 sales and alamy take the rest?


so photographers take around 15% of their photo sales on here?

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When Alamy is paid, payments show as cleared. This takes at least 45 days from invoice.

Commission is 50%, so your balance is $43. You will not get a payment until your cleared balance reaches $75, so you need more sales.

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You can see the exact details of what you have sold and the commission due to you using 'Build a downloadable sales report' on your My Alamy page. You'll need to set the From and To dates to encompass the dates your images were sold and set the third box, which defaults to 'Date Paid', to Date of Invoice. Then click on Go.


If a sale has cleared (i.e. once Alamy has actually received payment from the customer) it will show the date it cleared in the first column. Your account balance will increase by the amount of your commission the next time the My Alamy page is updated (roughly about 9am UK time each weekday.)  Once the sum total of your cleared balance exceeds $75, Alamy will automatically make payment to you at the start of the next month.


This is also a useful report to have open if you harbour hopes of regular sales because this is the place where sales appear first! If you set  to 'To' date to some future time (I use a date 12 months ahead of the  present day), then new sales will appear in this report as soon as Alamy enters  them on the system, although you do need to refresh the report to see all those sales rolling in  ;). I try to limit the excitement by refreshing the report no more than once per hour as I await my fix of one sale per month. :(

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