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Monthly report


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As several photographers keep "How were your sales last month? "  going , why doesnt Alamy give us a sales report of overall sales for the month with maybe a few exceptional sales highlighted ?  Peter


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As several photographers keep "How were your sales last month? "  going , why doesnt Alamy give us a sales report of overall sales for the month with maybe a few exceptional sales highlighted ?  Peter


As you say, several do indeed keep posting to those threads . . . and several 10s of thousands do not. AlbertSnapper gives one very good reason for Alamy not to do so. I'd add . . . why? Is there really a benefit for contributors, other than an opportunity to whinge or brag (neither particularily high on the list of strategies-to-get-ahead-in-the-stock-photography-world)? I for one am not convinced there is, certainly not beyond the benefits derived from looking at the "have you found" threads that seem very popular and which exist without any input from Alamy.


That's not to say I think those threads shouldn't exist--we can after all choose to ignore or embrace them. It's simply that I don't see enough benefit for Alamy to go to the trouble of mirroring them with sales reports as suggested.



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That would let Alamy's competitors know how their (Alamy's) business here is performing. 


Don't let the competition know ! (even tho many of us post our own sales info). 


The report could always be e-mailed to contributors directly rather than being made public. Personally, I find the "How was your month?" threads quite useful.

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Alamy clearly found nothing useful about posting their sales since they stopped posting the annual reporting breakdown some years ago.....maybe to coincide with leaner times post 2008. It really doesn't matter how well Alamy are doing, although the overal picture is available via Duedil etc, it matters how the individual is doing. I doubt that matters enough to the agency these days, since it's primarily looking to crowd-source.


If you have  agood relationship with some agencies, I find they will give you a rough idea of how things are going - calling round for tea and biccies is one way to get people to be a little more candid than they would otherwise be but no agency is going to tell you exactly what their sales are doing.


Even knowing, with one agency, how the best sellers are doing or how many five figures licenses in recent months, it doesn't make any difference to me. Figuring out why my best sellers are my best sellers and how I can learn from that is better than any 'oh the agency is doing well' or damn, the agency is doing badly' postings.

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Hmmm ... one reason to want to know Alamy's performance is to see whether your own images are keeping pace with Alamy as a whole - and organisations in many industries consider it good business practice to benchmark aspects of their performance against their competitors. So how about a slightly different angle on the original question: how do the people here benchmark their performance?


Those submitting to more than one agency can compare performance of their own images between the agencies (assuming they're not submitting different types of image to different agencies). But what other strategies do people use to see how they're going?

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