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abstract images

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I've always enjoyed making "abstract" images, but I'm not really sure what constitutes an abstract. For instance, how does "abstract" differ from "design"? Or is there really any difference most of the time?


What exactly makes an image "abstract"?


Looking at Alamy's featured abstract images, there is amazing variety (and number). I wonder how well these types of images do sales-wise.

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Yes, the terms 'abstract' and 'design' are very close in meaning in photography, and normally both apply. And we can add 'detail,' 'closeup,' 'macro' and others. I don't really understand why 'abstract' is favored over 'abstraction' by Alamy. But you're right, John -- it's easy to slip into a matter of semantics.  In a sense, all photographs are abstractions, being part of the all.  

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I usually include "abstract," "design," "pattern," and "background" in the keywords with images like these. Have only sold one that I can remember. But then the competition is huge, and I don't have many in my collection. My guess is that if such images aren't coming up in "Creative" searches, then they probably will remain buried. Something that I noticed while browsing Alamy's featured abstract and background images is that many of them are sparsely captioned. I would think that descriptive captions are as important with "abstract" images as with any other.

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There are some strong images in Alamy's abstract collection, which numbers well over a million. I don't see myself moving down that path. It's not only already overcrowded; I just don't work that way. What gets me to pull the trigger is seeing something of interest in good light that suggests a caption. 

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I'm not disleksyc. ;)




Edit to add dictionary definition.



adjective |ˈabstrakt|existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence: abstract concepts such as love or beauty.• dealing with ideas rather than events: the novel was too abstract and esoteric to sustain much attention.• not based on a particular instance; theoretical: we have been discussing the problem in a very abstract manner.• (of a noun) denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concreteobject.

relating to or denoting art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but rather seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, colours, and textures.abstract pictures.

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I'm not disleksyc. ;)




Edit to add dictionary definition.



adjective |ˈabstrakt|existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence: abstract concepts such as love or beauty.• dealing with ideas rather than events: the novel was too abstract and esoteric to sustain much attention.• not based on a particular instance; theoretical: we have been discussing the problem in a very abstract manner.• (of a noun) denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concreteobject.

relating to or denoting art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but rather seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, colours, and textures.abstract pictures.


You did think of making an image of it, did you?



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Definition #2 sounds about right for painting but not photography. I don't see how you can take a picture with a camera and not represent "external reality" in some way. You're really just fiddling with the context -- i.e. isolating a particular area of the subject with the lens or zooming in on texture, colours, etc. Excessive messing around with reality after the fact with the likes of Photoshop could be seen as a lot closer to painting, though.


Too early in the morning here for metaphysics. I need a cup of coffee.

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Early evening here. Off to dinner soon.




Edit: By the way do you realise that because of time difference and rotation of the Earth I am, and always will be, older than you. ;)

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AoA is your friend: 21 pages of searches @100 for %abstract% for the rolling year.

Only a small amount of sales are reported, so it's a subject you should not overlook.




True, there's certainly no shortage or searches containing the word "abstract." How many of these images are actually being bought, though? That is the question.

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