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Nikon D750 Love this camera!

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Nikon D750 Love this camera!

This camera and the Nikon D700 are probably the best digital cameras I've ever used.

Great in low light using the Nikon 24-120mm (formerly my least favorite lens)


Quick focus,Sharp,great low light. Not as heavy as some of the other Nikon's.


So far,so good.
FWIW-I hated the Nikon D600 and the oil sensor issues a few years ago.


Scoping around for the wide angle next week. I will probably get rid of the Nikon D7100 and the DX lenses.


I just prefer full frame in all regards.



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Nikon D750 Love this camera!

This camera and the Nikon D700 are probably the best digital cameras I've ever used.

Great in low light using the Nikon 24-120mm (formerly my least favorite lens)


Quick focus,Sharp,great low light. Not as heavy as some of the other Nikon's.


So far,so good.

FWIW-I hated the Nikon D600 and the oil sensor issues a few years ago.


Scoping around for the wide angle next week. I will probably get rid of the Nikon D7100 and the DX lenses.


I just prefer full frame in all regards.




Sounds like love at first sight. B)


P.S. hope you both survive the honeymoon this time

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Well I can tell it will be a great *work* camera of which I do need...But I'm jealous of those with the Sony A7II that can hand hold the camera with any lens and shoot as slow as 1/6.


It's windy out tonight and I could not use the Nikon 24-120 below 1/60  or I'd get motion blur.    :-(


The Sony A7II will be my next camera to stick in my purse. I'm definitely not going to lug the D750 for 'fun.' It's balanced well but still will be heavy.  I may wait until May when the new lenses are available. Clients around the country have hired me out for various photo shoots this summer.



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Yes Linda,  you have every rite to be jealous of the Sony 7ii  users, i have had this camera for 1 month now, it is a great walk around, medium size, not to heavy (depending on lens) and to boot great IQ,  the only down side for me is the ergonomics, after shooting with the big bodied professional dslrs for 20 years it takes some getting use to.



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Congratulations on finding a great camera that suits your work needs Linda. Like you, once I shot full frame I haven't been satisfied with a smaller sensor. I love the A7ii because I can carry it in my bag but if I don't find a good zoom for it I may also consider the D750.

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 I love the A7ii because I can carry it in my bag but if I don't find a good zoom for it I may also consider the D750

 Lynn,  what would you consider a good zoom for your Sony 7ii,  i have the Sony Zeiss 16-35,  it's not bad but not super great for the price, however the 70-200 G lens is every bit as good as the Canon 70-200L  at half the price and half the weight,  a great lens.



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"It's windy out tonight and I could not use the Nikon 24-120 below 1/60  or I'd get motion blur.    :-("  -- Linda


That's the Nikon 24-120 f/4, Linda? I bought that zoom early on, although it got no great reviews and was mostly ignored. I suspect that was because it is f/4 and not f/2.8 . . . but that was what I had been waiting for, a trade off of one stop for lighter weight. I was lucky to get a refurbished sample at Adorama. I'm big on refurbished, because they have been fine-tuned on the bench by a Nikon tech dude, rather than falling off the assembly line. It was a terrific lens, but I recently sold it back to Adorama, since I am moving to Sony-lite, a RX10 and two NEX cams. I don't know what your shooting situation was at 1/60th or under, but the 24-120 has an excellent IS control on it: turn it on. 


I see that the D750 is about half the weight of a D700; I hope that's light enough for your ailing back, Linda of Chi-town.

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Thanks Edo. It's actually my arm/shoulder that was injured.

I've had that Nikon 24-120 f4 at least 4 times,never liked it.But this copy seems better.

The Nikon D700 was heavier than the D750 you're correct.


Smart move with changing over to the Nex line for good. If you are not taking assignments and not shooting action,there is not much need for a DSLR.



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For a year and a half I shot almost everything with the NEX-6 or 7 and the Sony/Zeiss 24 f/1.8.  Great for closeups, great for street. Of course I was only shooting stock, so I could do what I wanted. If I were still working assignments, I would keep the Nikons. For the past year, I've been using the RX10 with its Zeiss zoom. This has been a confrontational relationship much of the time, a difficult transition. It's a good and useful tool, and I'll stay with it. But . . . grrrrrrr.  :angry:

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Paul, I'm not as quick or agile as I once was so I'm thinking of something a little more substantial, like a 150-400mm at the very least (for getting close to things without long walks, climbs or swims). That Tamron 150-600mm sounds pretty awesome if it works with the Sony mount. If not, I'll keep the Sony for an every day carry and get something like the D810 as a second camera.

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Lynn,  if you need such large zooms then i would consider the Nikon, sticking long lenses on the 7ii via adapter will be a total waste, from my brief experience with the Metabones Canon adapter using a big zoom will dissapoint.

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