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Failed QC.... Now go stand in the corner.

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I uploaded some images a couple of weeks ago and they are in QC limbo, so it's going to fail. OK, I get, I need to catch failures before uploading but can we just move on Alamy or do you really feel the need to punish me for an error? I've got a batch of fairly unique images waiting to upload that could be earning us money, but no, we have to wait more weeks until you've thrown your hissy fit wagging your finger at me because of a QC failure after a year's worth of submissions. Just fail the batch, let me correct or delete the image in question and get back to business. 


I should be keywording about now, not venting over petulant children.

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Fast QC is reserved for those of us who consistently upload images of the required standard. The standards are well known and not hard to meet. Likewise the rules are no secret and it's Alamy's game. I've had a fail or two this year but they have all been only a couple of days and my resubs have all passed within a day. If it turns out to be your first fail you are unlucky to be waiting a fortnight but it is not personal and getting petulant yourself won't help.

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Do we know if QC have some sort of visual flagging system for contributors?  I've had a couple of failures in my early days with them but I seem to have a very quick turn round with them now. 


For instance, I uploaded a batch of around 50 images one evening last week and they were cleared by 9.05 the next morning.


After I had those early failures with the following wait, I try to be spot on with checking each image.  I must admit that I did take the failures personally until I saw what they had failed for - all my fault.    After doing any post work, I have a final check procedure that I work to on every image.  Skies for spots/out of focus birds/SOLD/Levels/File Size.   No guarantee that I might still overlook something but at least it minimises the possibility of a failure.



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"The standards are well known and not hard to meet."


I would not totally agree with this statement. While Alamy's submission guidelines are thorough, there are still crucial areas that need further clarification. Here are some weak spots IMO:


1. NOISE: The single example given in the guidelines shows an extreme case. There is no explanation of how much noise is really acceptable.


2. SELECTIVE FOCUS: Alamy has said in their blog that selective focus is OK if there is a clear center of focus. However, there are no examples of what is acceptable and not acceptable to Alamy's QC. This category should be added to the guidelines IMO.


3. SOFT AND LACKING DEFINITION: All the examples given in the guidelines are extreme. In reality, QC can be very picky with this one.


4. CHROMATIC ABERRATION:  Admittedly, this is no longer a big issue with all the correction software now available. However, only "purple fringing" is shown in the sample provided.

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You could be jumping the gun with regards to a QC Fail. For some reason, one of my submissions earlier this year took three weeks to pass QC. It could also be an image processing error which also delays things.


While waiting, you could be rechecking your perceived problem submission, and those you are planning on submitting...just in case.


Ranting on this forum just wastes your time. Those of us who suffered from Fails when we had to up-rez images have heard it all before.



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I've got a batch of fairly unique images waiting to upload that could be earning us money, but no, we have to wait more weeks


You don't have to wait, you can upload as many as you want while awaiting QC. Some of us do it all the time.


until you've thrown your hissy fit


. . . seen plenty of hissy fits here, but never from QC . . .


wagging your finger at me because of a QC failure after a year's worth of submissions. Just fail the batch, let me correct or delete the image in question and get back to business. 



I should be keywording about now, not venting over petulant children.


Seen plenty of petulant children here in this very forum, believe it or not . . .


But again, why do you feel you have to wait? Have faith in your work and upload.



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True, you don't have to wait if you're confident in your processing.

I occasionally miss one and lose a submission but on balance it's worth not waiting.

The last one was for heat-haze. I thought it would pass but fair enough, it's Essex, not the Sahara, so it's not obvious enough.

As to guidelines, perhaps I'm not the one to comment because I've always shot jpeg with very little processing so I can't introduce artefacts. IME QC know what selective focus is and what it's for and I haven't often had to deselect a picture because my intention was unclear.

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I would not recommend uploading until the relevant submission has passed.  If you upload more submissions while awaiting the outcome of the first, and you get a QC failure on that submission, then they will fail ALL of the subsequent submissions. Best wait for the outcome.



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I would not recommend uploading until the relevant submission has passed.  If you upload more submissions while awaiting the outcome of the first, and you get a QC failure on that submission, then they will fail ALL of the subsequent submissions. Best wait for the outcome.




Hi Sheila. I do it all the time, often have overlapping submissions . . . and sometimes newer submissions have passed before older ones, although that has not happened for a long time.


My take is this: what's at risk? A bit of time is all . . . if several submissions fail because of one, all it would mean is I'd have to upload those subsequent submissions again. To me, that's not a big deal . . . certainly not big enough for me not to upload while waiting QC. And of course, opinions on what is best vary . . . but my point to the OP was that he/she does not HAVE to wait, it is a choice we all have to make. Moaning about being forced to do something is tiresome enough, but moaning about something we (he/she) choose to do is something else.



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