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Will these be appearing as stock?

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I'm not sure how this is a story, the 'artist' has noted some pretty compositions, but surely it's just someone linking us to someone elses images (Mr Google Earth).
Will we see these on stock anytime soon do you think?

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I'm not sure how this is a story, the 'artist' has noted some pretty compositions, but surely it's just someone linking us to someone elses images (Mr Google Earth).

Will we see these on stock anytime soon do you think?




So, do you think that Google will go after him for infringement?  

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I'm not sure how this is a story, the 'artist' has noted some pretty compositions, but surely it's just someone linking us to someone elses images (Mr Google Earth).

Will we see these on stock anytime soon do you think?




So, do you think that Google will go after him for infringement?  


I hope so, I just feel it's crazy that he takes accolades for basically just cropping satellite images.

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Gluing my feathers on now and going to launch from the top of my apartment building, camera in hand. Hopefully sun isn't too hot today! [not serious, before someone gets me official help]


Those are pretty staggering.

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I visited the article, and am sincerely puzzled by what Telegraph means by: "Artist uses Google Earth to photograph our stunning planet, in pics."


Did I overlook some explanation by TT of new meaning of infinitive "to photograph"?


If, decades ago, I photocopied an image from reference book, and perhaps colored it in, was I using Encyclopedia Britannica to photograph our stunning planet?

  - Ann

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I reckon he's using GE to recce then going direct to the air picture supplier for hi-res images.


Unless... he owns a plane and uses GE to recce first in order to reduce his carbon footprint.


Edit, No need for a plane. Just checked an image and they are deffo GE shots as traffic is in same positions on GE in the Jacksonville one.


OOps, sorry Mark, I see what you mean now, still hardly 'art' though is it?

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At the bottom of every Google Earth image there is a small but clear copyright notice for both Google and The Geoinformation Group. Unless he has done it with their permission as a publicity exercise (if Google need it) it seems like a pretty clear infringement.

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