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Just fill in 'alamy claim 2013' on the form.

Send a separate spreadsheet of your net revenue up to 31/12/13, excluding figures but including licence details, and an mht file of your summary of images sold.

Put any ISBN and ISSN details you know of on the spreadsheet as well.

DACS will separate out what isn't relevant- and yes, 'worldwide' includes UK so they do count.

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 Why bother with enclosing a full list

Because DACS asked me for it last time, I did the same this time and got a personal email saying thanks for the detail.


DACS appreciate that Alamy contributors don't often get to know ISBN numbers so they will accept the spreadsheet and sold summary instead.

This was discussed on the forum last year.

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Quote from the old Alamy blog entry.


"Firstly via your summary of images sold, identify those images that have a distribution territory of either World English Language, UK or Worldwide. You will not be able to see this information for Royalty Free. Secondly, go to your net revenue page, set the date from as far back as when you began at Alamy to the 31st of December 2008 and retrieve the results for "Date Cleared". If you then click download and open the data in Excel, you can see the region value. If the region is UK and the usage from summary of images sold includes one of the previously mentioned territories, you should be able to submit this for DACS payback. This proved sufficient in the past."


So same as above just go to end 2013.


I have to say I've never used this method as I have historic ISBNs etc from my other agencies (those that don't claim for me). Only caveat with that is that last year, if you went up a band, they did ask for one new example ISBN for the previous year. Nice to see them checking.

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