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Floating feeder? thingy - ID suggestions...

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Definitely a mink raft.....the Hebridean Mink Project has been running a few years here on the islands, coming to an end soon. It's just a shame that the Mink have now been replaced by rats!


Best wishes from Harris!



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Thanks for all the info folks - caption and keywords now amended.


Best wishes from Harris!



Thanks.  Beautiful place...!  I'll definitely be going back again.


Lough monster feeder?



No doubt the local wildlife would consider the mink to be a monster...! :)


Thanks again all.

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Has anyone ever smelled a mink?  Years ago, I had a trapper/hunter/fisherman for a brother-in-law.  He trapped some mink (might have been illegal at the time to keep them) and caged and raised them in his back yard.  Eventually sold the hides.  I was fascinated as a small girl to see them until I got a whiff of the odor they produced.  And that was in the open air.  Ugh.  Not as potent as a skunk that sprays vapor, but just a very, very strong nasty smell.



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