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RX10 - Review

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How is it that Zeiss can design a fixed f2.8 lens over the equivalent range 24-200mm that rates as excellent,  sharp from corner to corner, when their 16-70 f4 (24-105mm equiv) for E fit is lacking in this respect? Is it so much harder to get it right when the sensor is larger?

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As to my own acquisition of the RX10, just a little bigger, a little heavier, zoom lens a little longer, picture quality a little less, and I would have passed on this camera . . . but I feel Sony got almost everything right with the RX10. 


Sony photographic is, to me, is an enigma wrapped in puzzle, etc. It's as if we are dealing with two or three different companies, each working hard to undo the work of the others.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah, here I am in the right post to ask the dumb question about the RX10! And I'm not going to send a PM to Peter.


Okay, yes, this is something I should look up in one of my manuals and answer for myself. If you're thinking I'm being lazy, you may be totally right . . . but I'm overwhelmed with other matters and I feel my concentration, my focus, is out of tune. (Love those mixed metaphors.) 


I've been shooting with the RX10 for the last few nice days, but no more than an hour or so each day. I'm wondering if I have the autofocus set up right. So I'm wondering how you other RX10 users setup and use your autofocus. 


And that includes you, Jeff Greenman!


PS: I remember that DavidK once gave me a hint about something I was doing wrong with my NEX-6 or -7 autofocus setting. 



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I just use the centre spot and the re-frame if needed - force of habit I have always done it this way.    The multi-spot options make me nervous, am I a control freak?


On the RX100 I have recently set the Autofocus Area to "Flexible Spot", which gives a centre spot that you can move using L, R, Up, Down.  You have to remember to reset back to the centre before switching off.   As this is working quite well for me, I will see today if the RX10 can be set up the same way.

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OK I checked out the AF settings and have the RX10 Focus area set to Flexible Spot.    The spot can be S M or L.   I am trying S first.


To move the position of the spot I have to go into Fn, not as easy as on the RX100, but safer from accidental moves.


Hopefully I will get less mis-focussed shots.

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"The spot can be S M or L.  I am trying S first." -- Peter


​I'm going to go with M for now, Peter. I've been using the two half-push method of triggering the shutter release, and I seemed to be losing control of that. (I may be suffering from photographic paranoia.) When I get around to reading the RX10 manual I bought and have on my computer, maybe I'll pick up a useful hint about all this. 


Jeff's method (P with 9 boxes) makes sense because the majority of his images (and I'm making an assumption here) are wide angle with fill-flash. For almost two years I've been shooting with an NEX and one prime, the 36mmm view (Sony-Zeiss 24). Now I'm back to using a zoom, and frankly, it has taken a little getting used to.  Also I've not done much shooting this past winter. 


Thank you for your input, fellers. 

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This morning I went to an old Monastery, a place I have often been to before.   The flexible spot (F) seemed to work well for me.  I am still working through 37 images in LR and all seem to be perfectly focused.  In this place there is a reconstruction of the monks quarters - small dark rooms with simple furniture.    I have tried picturing these before but only ever managed one shot good enough for Alamy QC.    This time I have six to choose from.  The f2.8 24mm lens did the business here.    At least that's how it looks from a first assessment, the proof of the pudding,as one might say, will be in the PP....

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