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Great images still stell for great prices

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it happens for real !


Three years ago Alamy sold one of ours for 30K. Eventually I spotted the client; a big bank. It was a good shot, but not a GREAT shot. A remote location in Africa, but there are a lot of those pretty well covered. Another would be really nice, but it may be a while. Tony Stone sold one of my stone circles for 15K in the states about 25 years ago. But don't everybody head out for megalithic circles, they don't really sell all that often. The big sales do not fit any trends. Nothing to learn there, but the remote possibility is always encouraging


Hey, I had a Niagara Falls shot zoomed to-day, maybe that's the next big-un! Don't everybody rush to Niagara. No, it looks like you already have

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Had this situation (of agencies mentioning the image/price) - prices last year at $60k and $20k or so. There's lot's of licensing going on in five figures and even more in four figures - even an all-advertising package to smaller countries sells in four figures. No copycatting was going to occur. Most commercial agencies who hold meetings will show best sellers to the closed audience. Getty even show off their best selling work in webinars/meetings. Usually it's to point to trends in image buying rather than 'oooh, look how  well we did'.


What also needs to be considered is that you can get into some serious numbers through producing images which sell multiple times to mainly commercial uses.

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It was not licensed by the agency, it was licensed by one of the agency's subdistributors.  There are a few large sales made through this agency every once in a while - the last time it was a stack of polo shirts in a bin and the image was licensed for approximately $7,000 if I remember correctly.

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I should also ad....images that have sold for large dollars at Alamy (that I know of)....


There was an image that was used as a composite in a Harry Potter movie poster (the details are on the old forum).

There was an image of a butcher shop a few years ago (again, details on the old forum).


Many times, contributors are asked not to share the details of these large image sales - and for good reason.

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It would be nice to have 1 great sale,  all my years with 20K plus images scattered all around the world i have yet to see anything above 2000 euros,   it is a lottery and with 20k plus tickets ( images ) out there i am hoping for a big one!


Some years ago a friend who worked in the white collar side of Getty told me of a sale for $35K,  and went on to say that these sales come along every now and then.


So there is a chance  :) .



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it happens for real !


Three years ago Alamy sold one of ours for 30K. Eventually I spotted the client; a big bank. It was a good shot, but not a GREAT shot. A remote location in Africa, but there are a lot of those pretty well covered. Another would be really nice, but it may be a while. Tony Stone sold one of my stone circles for 15K in the states about 25 years ago. But don't everybody head out for megalithic circles, they don't really sell all that often. The big sales do not fit any trends. Nothing to learn there, but the remote possibility is always encouraging


Hey, I had a Niagara Falls shot zoomed to-day, maybe that's the next big-un! Don't everybody rush to Niagara. No, it looks like you already have

Hi Robert 



Was that 30k exclusive to Alamy?

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Hi Gary


we did manage to make it exclusive for a limited sector for three years which is now up. And there I was hoping for an extension, but not to be!


I did see the whole campaign once at an airport in N.America. There were about a dozen very reportage style shots of which two were from Alamy. So some other agencies got a nice bite of the cookie as well.

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Have had a couple of four figure commercial sales at Alamy within the last 4 years, so if I get them with my small, editorial, collection they can't be that uncommon, and there must be a sprinkling of five figure ones. 


However what keeps me at Alamy are the 150-300 ($) textbook sales.  Here old work sells better than new, grime sells better than green, so nowadays my new work goes elsewhere, and I am duping a lot of old work for the firm.  In fact one of those commercial sales was very old and grimy.  Not a trend, I assure you.

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I had one sell last year that was used in the movie poster for The Hangover 3.  It went for mid four figures.  They are also now using it for the DVD cover and a wallpaper on the official website so I wonder if Alamy charged enough for it.  The movie has grossed $362,000,000.

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I had one sell last year that was used in the movie poster for The Hangover 3.  It went for mid four figures.  They are also now using it for the DVD cover and a wallpaper on the official website so I wonder if Alamy charged enough for it.  The movie has grossed $362,000,000.


He Johnnie,


I am very curious how you found out that your image was placed on the poster and movie?



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It wasn't easy.  I had been looking since the sale first occurred.  It almost seemed futile for a long time.  I even contacted member services for help to no avail.  I just happen to look at the website and it hit me that it might be my photo in the poster.  I was able to do a side by side comparison in photoshop of the elements in the poster and my photo to verify that it was mine.  I new at the time of sale that the Hangover 3 was coming out and thought it might be used for that.  I completely missed it at the time.  I only discovered a few weeks ago after searching for nearly a year.  The poster looks nothing like my photo as it was used in a collage.

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