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Manna from heaven...........well, Germany

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Anyone else just had a nice email out of the blue from DACS in respect of VG BildKunst for 2023? £46. Thanks very much. It's not far short of my UK amount, and for just a few licenses. At least some countries know how to pay for collective licensing. Thanks, DACS and VG.

Still don't know what " OECL NPLR" is though, someone's public lending right?

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Yes, also had an email and some unexpected money ( around £70 after the admin deduction).


I did submit a Germany claim last year even though I couldn't find many ISBNs/ISSNs


I am going to try and spend a few days on Google Images locating ISBNs for books published in Germany so that I can add more uses to my German DACS claim.  I think the deadline is end of December. 


Basically work through my sales spreadsheet for all German book and mag sales for the relevant years and see if I can find any.

Edited by geogphotos
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32 minutes ago, Avpics said:

The DACS that I claim for myself is purely UK publications

Not licences via Alamy I assume. But DACS sent out the invitations to claim VGBildKunst royalties to their clients independent of Alamy- I claims direct and I got one, so you probably should have been on that list.

Edited by spacecadet
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