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Christian symbol

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This was on an altar in a Suffolk church. It caught my eye but apart from 'Christian' 'brass' 'design' 'religious' 'symbols'  etc I don't know what it is.


Any suggestions please?



Edited by geogphotos
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What kind of church was it, and what part of the altar was it on?  It doesn't look like any Anglican symbol I know, but does look Buddhist.


If that's glass behind the brass, it may be a reliquary.


Suggested keywords:  decorative, lattice

Edited by Hanna_Fate
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Thanks Hannah - excellent keyword suggestions.


It'a church of England village parish church in north Suffolk.


I think it's a solid cube with the brass face attached to this one side



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There are two pictures here showing two altars.  They both have similar objects - one appears to be a 'triple'.  A bit difficult to see but if you take screenshots and enlarge the image you get a clearer picture.


They both have large crosses stood on top of them so I think they are bases or stands for the crosses.



Edited by Vincent Lowe
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Since the box is on an altar, it could be a tabernacle (where the consecrated bread or eucharistic bread  - believed to be a form of Jesus Christ - is kept), in which case the front is a door to the box; but there should be a keyhole in it so the box can be locked and unlocked.


The bronze square borders an equilateral cross, a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


The horizontal line of the cross, as Radim has pointed out, is a fish symbol. The greek word for fish is ixthus ( five letters: i x th u s), which in early christianity was a symbol for Jesus (i) Christ x) son(u) god(th) saviour(s)


The sort of x shape, intertwined with the cross, might be a stylised form of the greek letter chi (spelled x), which is the first letter of the greek word for Christ.

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