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Upload problems


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Any help would be appreciated! My images seem to sporadically load with issues & flaws. For past few months I’ve giving up trying to upload completely as every image gets a message it’s to small. I’ve tried every size and get the same message. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling and that seems to worsened the problem! Any help would be appreciated, I’m guessing it’s something obvious I’m overlooking! Thanks!

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Hello Mark,


From what you're saying I'm guessing you are submitting jpegs which are too small.

The rule is:


File size of over 17MB (when uncompressed/open)
Your JPEG file is likely to have a compressed size of 3-5MB. Opening a JPEG in an image program such as Adobe Photoshop will show you the uncompressed/open file size.


Which is explained in:




Some more erudite explanatins here:



Good luck and stay safe.


PS RB5M9Y is not a aerial view

Edited by Mr Standfast
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What image processing program are you using?   And which camera?  Looks like the photos you've uploaded are fine.  The things to check are reduction by the export program if you've previously used it for exporting for social media and cropping beyond the usual minimum (3,000 by 2,000, safer to go a bit more)

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13 hours ago, Mark1015 said:

Any help would be appreciated! My images seem to sporadically load with issues & flaws. For past few months I’ve giving up trying to upload completely as every image gets a message it’s to small. I’ve tried every size and get the same message. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling and that seems to worsened the problem! Any help would be appreciated, I’m guessing it’s something obvious I’m overlooking! Thanks!

Just now uploaded a single image and it went through as always, in seconds.


Since it was, as most are Archival, it was ready for captioning and keywording in minutes, as it always is.


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