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capital letter in key words ??

Hector Christiaen


4 answers to this question

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A search for "Vancouver" brings up 185,451 images, and a search for "vancouver" brings up the same number of images. So I guess it doesn't matter.


Don't know if this has always been the case, though. I used to include capital letters in keywords when I first started keywording in the 90's.

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Proper capitalised words and punctuation in captions does convey a sense of professionalism, which may just tip the balance in your favour if there are multiple near-identical images. It will also help a potential buyer to quickly identify the word they are looking for in your caption, which is not so obvious if the initial letter is lowercase . In keywords capitalisation is less of an issue as the search engine ignores capitalisation and buyers are less likely to scrutinise the list of keywords. However, I make a point of being as correct as possible in both captions and keywords.

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It appears not to matter in keyword searches, but I tend to be somewhat conservative about capitalizing proper nouns. It just seems right.

As they say, it's the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse ...

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