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CA in out of focus areas

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21 hours ago, KevinS said:

+1 for DxO, PhotoLab2. I never learned how to handle CA while using PSE (10 years), but got by somehow. With PhotoLab2 I never see it and have never had to adjust it. The lens profiles are great and the CA dialog has a check box for purple fringing, which I haven't had to use (2 Canon zooms, 2 Canon primes). Free trial would probably fix this image on auto, if there is a lens profile for your lens.


Yes, I think that a click of the "purple fringing" box in DxO  (I'm still using an older version of Optics Pro) would clean up the purple fringing considerably.  I have a fisheye conversion lens that I couldn't use without the purple fringing correction. With it, the results are fine.

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6 hours ago, Allan Bell said:

 Definitely purple fringing not really CA.


There is a tool in LR which can get rid of that easily.






Actually I am pretty sure that it is chromatic aberration but it appears to be axial rather than lateral CA. The defining feature of CA is the purple and green fringing together. See this really excellent article by Tom Hogarty of Adobe describing the different types of colour fringing and how to use Lightroom tools to correct. The first image in the article shows fringing very similar to that in the OP's pic.

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I would like to thank everyone who has replied for being really helpful and not making me feel like the worst photographer ever - I have learnt stuff playing around and the feedback has been incredibly useful and is appreciated.


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I did say I would put the played around with images up - in case anyone was interested.  I had a play around and ended up mostly with the dropper tool in the lens corrections tab of Lightroom.  I think it has made a significant difference but I am still not uploading this shot.



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Thank you.  Its been a great learning experience, and totally down the help I have been given on here.  I will probably head back and redo the shot  - and I definitely feel more confident tackling stuff where similar issues might show up.  


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