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External USB drives 'Blinking'

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I haven't noticed this before but all three of my 2Tb Seagate external drives are blinking at about 1 second intervals.   They do this continuously whether busy or not and are not blinking in unison.


They are all working correctly and a restart of my PC makes no difference.


Would appreciate any comments of suggestions.



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It may be they that the OS or Lightroom is caching data on the disks. I don’t know anything about Windows but Lightroom can cause behaviour like this although it should not be permanent. I should say I recall that you started using Lightroom recently. Or maybe it is backup software running in the background. 


Or it could be they are all going on the blink simultaneously even if not in unison so be sure you have backups. 

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Actually for my WD portables, slow blinking indicates that the disk is mounted but having a snooze. There is a non-blinking light initially which starts blinking when the disk sleeps. Fast blinking occurs when it is caching or other active reading or writing. 

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