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Processing and QC delay

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QC has been a bit up and down over the last few weeks. I've had batches go through next day and others where I have waited 4 or 5 days, leaving the "23 hour" episode aside.


As Ed said earlier, Its August, people are on holiday. Even Alamy QC staff must be allowed a break sometimes!  ;)


Its nearly September, kids will be back at school, the UK will slide into its usual dismal winter state, and we'll all be happy again woohoo!

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I think that there is no problem in general. I am uploading images all the time and it is usually passed in max two days. With the uploads from 1 august should be some particular problem. Try to contact the support, for sure they can help you.

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Thanks, Vlad (the Impaler?). None of that has happened. I'm just waiting (or Awaiting QC). I must say I'm not upset at all with Alamy QC, and I'm okay with waiting for their next move.  :)


Think I'm in the same queue as you Ed. :(



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