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When I pop my clogs...

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44 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

Just put it in your will. The executor will write to Alamy and they will change the payee details.


Thanks Spacecadet. My wife is covered in my will and our four children will inherit equal shares of the remaining estate. 


I need to check with Alamy if they would be prepared to split my monthly payments four ways.



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I think it is unfair to put "splitting" payment on Alamy,  but I've been thinking about the same thing

and will follow anything posted on this.  I did know several photographers who passed

away and Alamy did well for their relatives.



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Good reminder about making a Will. Have been putting it off. Personally I prefer the expression 'kick the bucket' but there are so many... pushing up daisies, bite the dust, sleep wit the fishes, give up the ghost, bit the big one, threw a double six. Popping one's clogs also has a nice feel to it (from a distance anway) but I'll let you know more when it happens! ;-)


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On 6/19/2018 at 14:42, Chuck Nacke said:



I think it is unfair to put "splitting" payment on Alamy,  but I've been thinking about the same thing

and will follow anything posted on this.  I did know several photographers who passed

away and Alamy did well for their relatives.




I thought it worth asking Alamy, as for all I know they might have something in place for this situation.  However, I've just had a nice reply and they confirm that they can only pay into one account which is fair enough.  


I'm thinking similar lines to Alamy in that payments to my four children will only be made when there is a certain level in the 'kitty'.  This would save a lot of work for whoever has the job.



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