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I often go back and reprocess old images or even more recent ones that I think I can improve or make a different version of for Alamy.  After watching this video I learned that there is another reason to turn your attention to older photos.  I like to think my processing skills have improved and I know the software has gotten better.   He talks about color rendering and demosaicing have improved for older cameras, He states towards the end of the video that Capture One and Lightroom have evolved over the years to give better results making it worthwhile to revisit those older images. 


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31 minutes ago, Bill Brooks said:

For a different look. Top one processed many years ago. Bottom one reprocessed recently.





I like the original interpretation better, just my subjective opinion,  :D


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2 hours ago, Johnnie5 said:

I often go back and reprocess old images or even more recent ones that I think I can improve or make a different version of for Alamy.  After watching this video I learned that there is another reason to turn your attention to older photos.  I like to think my processing skills have improved and I know the software has gotten better.   He talks about color rendering and demosaicing have improved for older cameras, He states towards the end of the video that Capture One and Lightroom have evolved over the years to give better results making it worthwhile to revisit those older images. 



That is why I do not store the output from raw conversion. I use them for their intended purpose and when I do a tidy up they get deleted. I do ALL my processing in Capture 1 Pro so when I need the image again I rerun the process step (to size etc that I need) - the processing parameters are stored by C!Pro so it is just a few seconds to reprocess an image. But of course the software will use the latest version, the newest algorithms with the original postprocessing parameters so that alone should produce better results.


Obviously I could go further, and sometimes do, by using the new tools to readjust the image to take advantage of the new tools and controls, and my improved skills and understanding. It is also an opportunity to rework my desired vision of the image if appropriate, that approach was good enough for A Adams so it is good enough for me ;) .

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