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Sometimes "Bing (1)" appears under "xx users are reading this topic".


Despite attempts to find out who/what Bing (1) is not had any success. Any ideas?



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Sometimes "Bing (1)" appears under "xx users are reading this topic".


Despite attempts to find out who/what Bing (1) is not had any success. Any ideas?




It's Microsoft's version of a search engine. It also has lots of images displayed without payment to creators



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Thanks Alex.






PS just looked at bing site and under "images" typed my name in the search box. Loads of my images came up including an avatar I have on another site.







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Just for fun (!) - very slow broadband - I did the same .....


Farsands and Farsands of me - many very ugly - some even dead - very few pictures by me but lots of me  - my policy of making it difficult to obtain personal details seems to be working - I am everything from a Holocaust denier - to a cello player with plenty in between -

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That's good to know Wim.


I was meaning, like Google, they facilitate a lot of theft of images in their searches.


I see exactly what you mean.


There should be a warning that it may be copyright protected material.


Many will think it is not.


Very disconcerting, yes.......

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