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caption or essential keywords

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I have always understood, as I saw it, that the essential keywords carried more weight that the caption.

Do we think this has changed ?


It might have. We will be moving to using new contributor tools which have tags and supertags instead of keywords so it might be that changes have been made in preparation for this.. but it's all speculation if it comes from another contributor..... only Alamy know for sure.

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I very much doubt it as it would negate some of the advantages of the new changes. For example, you can't put multi-word tags into a caption, so if for example you have an image taken in Salcombe Regis and you don't want searches for Salcombe to find it so you tag it as "salcombe regis", you can't then put the location into the caption (where people would expect to find it) without destroying the whole point of the tag.



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Some are saying that captions are now being given more weight, but who knows for sure. I'm going to continue to treat both captions and keywords as if they have equal importance.


That said, I still have a lot of images on sale from the "old days" that have inadequate captions. Back when the "Description" field was searchable, I purposely made my captions short and put the details in the description. Now I'm having to go back and expand those captions. It's a work in progress...

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