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Hi everyone!


I joined Alamy about a month ago but am just now checking out the forums. There's quite a bit of good advice here for newbies like me!


I've been into photography since a young age, but I really only used it to help with my main passion, which is studying butterflies and moths (although I have since expanded to other nature-related subjects). :) While I have a very large collection of photos, I'm afraid not very many are "good enough" to pass QC -- I've only recently switched to RAW, and I started my Lightroom subscription last month. So I need to start building a better collection of photos with stock photography in mind. :)


Looking forward to meeting you all! Happy shooting!

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Hello Megan.


I have only one thing to say and that is "I agree with Geoff's comments".


Otherwise well done with your collection so far. You may have a bit of a niche market so don't expect lots of sales as you need a very diverse collection for that to happen in my opinion.


Whoops that is three things. :)




Geoff notice I am not getting at you this time. ;)



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For what it's worth, I disagree about removing all those keywords. If the creature is native to the US you should definitely put in the location. Nature should stay in also. I use a lot of keywords in my wildlife photos and I think it is worth it. I would also put "silk moth" even if that is not correct. The buyer might not know. Quite a few people would disagree with me about using a lot of keywords.



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Thank you all for the welcome and feedback!

Geoff: Thanks for the kind words about my images! :)
I appreciate your advice about keywording. It's something I don't feel very confident about, so it's good to have some feedback from a pro. :D Most of the keywords you listed are currently in the comprehensive section, so they probably don't carry much weight as they are, but I'll remove less precise ones, like "Alamy" (I only added that one because I noticed some other photos had that keyword as well -- thought maybe that was something I needed to do!). As for location, I'll try adding it to the caption when I can, but I find that I use up a lot of characters just describing the photo -- hence the location ends up being keyworded instead.
Allen: Thank you! As I currently stand, I don't expect to sell much, but I thought that anything is better than nothing, and it certainly doesn't hurt to try!
Paulette: Thanks for your feedback! I see your point, and I may keep some of the location keywords, as I sometimes wonder if a customer might search for "Indiana moth" or "moth United States". Though, I think that, if I have room in the caption, I'll add the location there instead.
Have a great day, everyone!
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Thank you for responding, Megan. Sometimes we never hear again from the questioner and wonder if our efforts are appreciated. I suspect you will do quite well with your special knowledge of your subjects.



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Welcome Megan !

1. Consider the following keywords for some of yr images : entomology, "insect collection", "entomological collection".
2. I would retain 'nature' generally, especially if it is a fairly wide shot inclusive of nature/garden environment, or a pretty close one , especially of the patterns on the wings.
3. I sure wouldn't mind wildlife, "garden wildlife", "urban wildlife" in an image-specific sense ... especially those of cluster of butterflies, or butterflies in migration.

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You're very welcome, Paulette. :) I appreciate the advice you and others have given me so far. It's a shame that others do not respond when people like you take the time to answer their questions and give them feedback.

Thanks for the warm welcome, Davey!
Thank you very much, Kumar, for more keywording advice! I never even thought of adding "entomology" to my keywords -- which is a bit pathetic, given that that is what I'm currently studying at college. I'll keep your other keyword suggestions in mind as I work on re-keywording my images.
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That's what I said about the location that it can be important, but should be used in the right section such as the in the title, so it only has minor relevance.



...but should be decided on an image-by-image basis.



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