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This is not another "what is this Flower"

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I am the same as many photographers on the forum....I am NOT a gardener but appreciate flowers especially to photograph and submit.


My best keywording skills reach to  such lengths as "This is a ROSE....etc"


then the colour....etc


and that is as far as my knowledge goes. I have 2-3 friends who can help a bit better BUT...


What web sites ...books...sources do you find easy to use to identify flora and fauna so we can all caption & keyword more fluently.


Thanks in advance to all the "green fingered"  gardeners among us.!!!



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Best advice?  If you are in a garden that labels the plants add a photo of the label to your shots.  Learn some broad classifications of plants - daisies, lilies, umbellifers etc to allow you to narrow down searches.  Learn some botanical latin to be able to use leaf shapes and floral arrangements in searches.  If it's garden plants get a good reference book such as the RHS Gardener's Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers or the Roger Phillips / Martyn Rix reference books.  If it's wild flowers get a flora for your area.  Ask the forum.  Ask gardeners - even join gardening forums and pick the collective brains.  You'll build up a depth of knowledge that will make life a lot easier.

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When I find a wildflower, the first thing I do is google Wildflowers of Oklahoma. Insert your area instead. I usually find it.


With other flowers I've also searched on Alamy like "Pink flowers" and hope I can find one like mine. If I do, I note the common and scientific name, then search those words again to get only the flower I'm interested in out of possible hundreds.

If it still looks probable, I go to Wikipedia and then general google searches. Like: "Geranium pictures". I may get nursery pictures and others. I'm looking for confirmation in more than one place. It's always a possibility that a subject may be misidentified on Alamy.

So never just trust one place.

If after a long time researching I still feel unsure, I might ask the forum, but I try not to abuse that privilege.

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Thanks Betty....I follow a similar path as you.but when out and about especially recently on holiday down in Wiltshire, UK, we visited a steam railway with the old station house. Someone must care greatly for the attached garden ....I took some flower shots but have no idea what I shot. Will try to get them identified...see what happens. THANKS again


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Thanks Betty....I follow a similar path as you.but when out and about especially recently on holiday down in Wiltshire, UK, we visited a steam railway with the old station house. Someone must care greatly for the attached garden ....I took some flower shots but have no idea what I shot. Will try to get them identified...see what happens. THANKS again


You could maybe email the railway owners, they might know what flowers have been planted.



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Thanks Betty....I follow a similar path as you.but when out and about especially recently on holiday down in Wiltshire, UK, we visited a steam railway with the old station house. Someone must care greatly for the attached garden ....I took some flower shots but have no idea what I shot. Will try to get them identified...see what happens. THANKS again


Have you got anywhere you could post them - reduced size would probably do?  I'd certainly have a go at ID - and no doubt others would also be happy to have a go.  No guarantees - but you'll be no worse off.

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