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Duration: Unlimited for duration of licence

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What does that mean?  

A sale just showed up for me me with these details:


Country: Worldwide

Usage: iQ sale: Single company - multiple use editorial only
Industry sector: Education
Start: 08 August 2016
Duration: Unlimited for duration of licence


So does it mean that this image can be used forever as long as the universe exists?


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You don't, it's between Alam



The licence duration is as per the original iQ agreement, presumably. Agreed, it's unhelpful.


How do I know what is in the original IQ agreement?


You don't, it's between Alamy and the buyer.

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IMHO, there is absolutely no consistency in licensing and pricing with Alamy. It's all over the place. IQ to me, euphamistically means the contributor gets the short end of the stick. How are we to make a living with micro pricing? I read of certain contributor's occasionally making 3 digit sales but the climate has certainly changed for the worse since joining Alamy 12 years ago. All I'm asking for is some consistency in licensing and especially pricing.

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