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I Know it's not Aberystwyth but where is Alamy Live News?

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Yes well we all know that UK weather images from 

Aberystwyth sell. Not a problem with that  but.......... 


Some of you may have noticed that we have had a major 'terrorist incident' in Nice, France and then an 'attempted' coup in Turkey.


So what is the response from the Alamy Live News team? 


Feck all. IMO. 


I have placed images (i.e. licensed images) from Turkey for other photographers and my own images relating to this news event in Turkey a good hour after waiting on Live News response. There is nobody at home!!!


Get a grip Alamy! Your credibility has taken a big downturn here.



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the Live news feed updates pretty much in real-time 24/7.

The news desk isn't staffed 24 hours a day though....but the feed is monitored

Only a fraction of what comes in as news is fed *out* to the papers


File pix of passports probably rank lower than actuality images from the scene



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what did they say?






Richard I hope you don't mind me replying to Keith Morris only I saw the same program last night, anyway the words they said were roughly " a great image and I believe an iconic image of a great summers day" and I totally agree with them it was a great image.




Mal K

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