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Hi All


I'd appreciate any views on whether there is any merit (i.e. ease of use or general efficiency) in abandoning PS CS4 in favour of Lightroom 5.


I've traditionally used Photoshop for all my workflow and post-processing but it seems that the general opinion is that it is far too complex and less user friendly for pure photographic work than Lightroom. Does anyone have any informed views on this. Many thanks.



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LR is far quicker for routine work and I hardly use PS now. But then I am still on LR2 and PS7 and shoot jpg, so what do I know.

You can apply import presets to LR which saves a lot of time in itself. If you have never used it you may not miss it, but I'd say my processing time all-in is only a few minutes per image.

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Richard, I assume you have CS4 now, and you have no plans to delete the program? You just want to do most or all of your work on LR5, right? I now do most of my PP in LR5 but finish up with spotting and creating the final jpeg in CS5. You will love working in LR5. 


Here's a post from about a week ago on LR5:  http://discussion.alamy.com/index.php?/topic/443-lightroom-5-released/

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Don't abandon CS4. Still a very good workhorse.


LR 4/5 is good but there's stuff you'll still need PS for to do a proper retouch job. The LR retouch is clunky and imprecise (especially when the retouch is crossing patterns or dust is close to or overlapping poles/lines etc).



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I use LR 5 for the majority of my work. Just dip into photoshop for the odd retouch I can't do in Lightroom or if I am being particularly creative. My impression is that Lightroom is much quicker for organising and cataloging work and you can most edits in it or with plug ins. I couldn't imagine just using photoshop for all that. Wy not try a free trial with LR?

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